Technological advancements in the IT sector open up completely new perspectives. One key technology is quantum information technology. At Club IT on February 18, a European pioneer presented the current state of research and implementation: Georg Gesek, CEO of Novarion Systems GmbH from Vienna, plans to launch the first universal quantum computer based on a new, hybrid quantum technology within 5 years after funding. He informed at Club IT about the latest status of quantum information technology and also explained its economic importance in the near future. Of particular interest: expert Gesek presented and explained new basic physics findings on quantum information technology, which are otherwise only a topic at top research institutions.
18:30 Welcome and moderation by Albert Gerlach, CMC, Chairman-Vice Chairman of the Professional Group Information Technology
18:35 Technical presentation by Georg Gesek, CEO of Novarion Systems GmbH
19:40 Question and answer session
20:00 Evening and networking with snacks and drinks
Missed the presentation? – No problem 😉 You can find the links to the videos of the presentation here:
Video long: https://youtu.be/WGQR11gV8r4
Video lecture: https://youtu.be/dsVj8nOmnGc